But this is the only way to experience fun but goofy features ability to play through the Homeworld campaign as the Taiidan instead of the Kushan. Trying to run Homeworld Classic at above 640x480 caused text to become illegible. Much as I appreciate the inclusion of the original, untouched versions of Homeworld and Homeworld 2 as extras in The Remastered Collection, some slight updating would’ve been nice - for example, making them support 16:9 resolutions without having to go in and tweak. (Windowed mode works fine.) For some reason, this occurred on two of three computers tested, and Gearbox’s team says this is the first they’ve heard of it.
#Homeworld remastered collection r full
The one significant issue has been that running in full screen mode has caused a strange problem where the cursor is constrained to roughly 75 percent of the screen area, unable to reach the bottom or right sides.

On the technical side, I’ve experienced great performance on my GeForce GTX 970, and only one crash in more than 40 hours of play. It also features a great fleet painter, which lets you splash your ships with pink and purple if you so chose. Homeworld will likely never be a competitive RTS due to its slow pace, but skirmishing against the AI or other space battle fans won’t get old anytime soon. It’s here that the research system that seems so superfluous in the single-player game (because techs are unlocked one or two at a time) actually matters, and allows for some crucial decisions for what type of fleet you’ll build. Not that any of the sides is radically different in a mechanical sense, but the subtleties of each, such as the Kushan’s Stealth Fighter and Drone Frigate, give the options some variety. This means you can set up a scenario where you play as the Kushan from the original Homeworld against Homeworld 2’s Hiigarans (the same people), or match the first game’s Taiidan empire against the second game’s invading Vaygr. However, it’s great that the it offers the ability to play as any of the four different factions from across both games. It’s a shame Gearbox couldn’t take the Beta label off of the multiplayer modes before The Remastered Collection went on sale, so it should be approached with skepticism with regards to its balance and stability. Gearbox says too much of the source materials from that game has been lost or misplaced to give it the full remastering treatment for now. Notably absent is Homeworld: Cataclysm, the campaign that came between the two numbered games. Subtle improvements, like the elimination of the need to refuel fighters and corvettes periodically, makes moment-to-moment gameplay move a little smoother than it originally did. Admirably, the interface does all of this without getting in the way of the action - even the build and research menus are mostly kept collapsed and out of sight. The toughest trick is giving orders to travel to a specific point in space - you have to give a move order, then hold Shift to adjust the altitude, and you have to constantly shift the camera around to get a sense of depth. Zooming out to a tactical view of the area and giving orders to control groups makes things manageable, and double-clicking to select every unit of a type lets you take command of fast-moving and scattered ships. Homeworld’s interface does a good job of helping you wrangle your forces, though, especially now that many of Homeworld 2’s improvements have been retrofitted to the original. Getting used to tethering the free-floating camera to ships or objects in the area you’re interested in is the equivalent of finding your sea legs when you’re accustomed to having solid ground under your feet. Controlling fleets that can move freely in full-3D space is challenging to get the hang of, and it can be difficult to even figure out what’s going on when two armadas of fighters, bombers, and corvettes are all swirling around in a giant furball of a dogfight around frigates, destroyers, battlecruisers, carriers, and the massive mothership itself. Homeworld and Homeworld 2 definitely aren’t simple games, but their complexity is the rewarding kind.