28 weeks later don infected
28 weeks later don infected

That 20-second limit serves three valuable story purposes: (a) It has us counting "12. (Mark: "OK, Jim, I've got some bad news.") Selena, a tough-minded black woman who is a realist, says the virus had spread to France and America before the news broadcasts ended if someone is infected, she explains, you have 20 seconds to kill them before they turn into a berserk, devouring zombie.

28 weeks later don infected

Wandering London, shouting (unwisely) for anyone else, he eventually encounters Selena ( Naomie Harris) and Mark ( Noah Huntley), who have avoided infection and explain the situation. Jim is the everyman, a bicycle messenger whose nearly fatal traffic accident probably saves his life. Spend enough money on this story, and it would have the depth of " Armageddon." Alex Garland's screenplay develops characters who seem to have a reality apart from their role in the plot-whose personalities help decide what they do, and why. The audience wouldn't stand for everybody being dead at the end, even though that's the story's logical outcome.ĭirector Danny Boyle ("Train-spotting") shoots on video to give his film an immediate, documentary feel, and also no doubt to make it affordable a more expensive film would have had more standard action heroes, and less time to develop the quirky characters. I suppose movies like this have to end with the good and evil characters in a final struggle.

28 weeks later don infected 28 weeks later don infected

The ending is disappointing-an action shoot-out, with characters chasing one another through the headquarters of a rogue Army unit-but for most of the way, it's a great ride. So opens "28 Days Later," which begins as a great science fiction film and continues as an intriguing study of human nature.

28 weeks later don infected